Minecraft Downloader - Tool to view/download Minecraft client & server JARs

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Mad Man
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Mad Man Official Minecraft Downloader - Tool to view/download Minecraft client & server JARs

Post by Mad Man »

Minecraft Downloader
version 1.0

What is it?
Minecraft Downloader lets you view the most recent official Minecraft releases and download JARs for the Server or Client versions... similar to how the actual Minecraft launcher works, but this includes server links and 3rd party mods OptiFine and Spigot if desired.

But Why?
I built this tool in response to Mojang's horrible handling of snapshot releases. There is no central Downloads page that Mojang provides that I'm aware of, instead they post bulletins in their "Whats New" blog with links to the latest versions, and it's a pain in the ass digging through their unorganized news feeds trying to find the latest release to keep my offline server on the latest snapshot.

Once I discovered Mojang tracks their releases in public JSON files, I knew I had to automate this procedure... and this little app is the fruits of my labor, I hope you find it as helpful as I do.

v1.0 - First release - Download (594 KB) (Windows binary)

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